We love the Lord

- We want all our behaviour and attitudes motivated by our love for God and a desire to please Him.
- Our approach to teaching, learning and discipline is from a Biblical perspective.
- We make every effort in work and play to be an example of Christian love toward others.
“30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:30-31 (NIV)
We love children

- We expect to learn, play, explore and to make mistakes.
- We expect to be active and participate in all school activities.
- It is unacceptable to bring questionable literature, objects and/or pictures to school in any form.
- It is unacceptable to take pictures or videos of people without their permission and/or to distribute such pictures or videos without their permission.
- Weapons, pocket knives or any sharp objects, smart watches and cell phones are not allowed at school.
- Technology is a tool not our master and will be used wisely.
We love family

- We expect courtesy, respect and honour in all interactions between members of our school family and with visitors.
- We will make an effort to always use kind words and actions.
- We will make the school a safe place and look out for each other by following safety rules, only playing in the designated areas and reporting any unsafe activity or equipment.
- We care for our community space by being responsible for its cleanliness; picking up litter, putting things away, and looking after all resources and equipment.
- We will not take anything that is not our own.
We love the learning

- We expect that you will take responsibility for your own learning.
- We expect you to work towards building a culture of learning as we know that no-one has the right to disrupt the learning of anybody else.
- We honour God with excellence in our
learning. This means giving our best at all times, participating fully in lessons and other activities, bringing books to class and
completing all homework. - We respect the role of teachers and facilitators, and will not purposefully make it difficult for them to function effectively.
- We will not cheat, copy work from others or
be involved in plagiarism. - We will be punctual for class and other activities.
We celebrate diversity

- We work hard to make our differences add value to the community, each in his/her own way and acknowledge that working together makes us stronger.
- Hurtful and harmful behaviour such as gossip, prejudice and discrimination are not tolerated.
- We seek to understand before being understood.
We love the environment

- We do nothing to harm our environment because we recognise that it is part of God’s creation and provision for us.
- We keep our school litter free and do not damage property.
- We do not waste food and other resources.
- We deal respectfully and wisely with all God’s creatures.